
60-90 min.



Let’s take a look at Apiary, a captivating look into a distant future where Earth is no longer home to humans. In their absence, a new era has dawned, and the unassuming honeybee has evolved into a highly intelligent species known as Mellifera.

In this strategic masterpiece, each player takes the reins of one of twenty unique factions of Mellifera. As the game unfolds, you'll find yourself at the helm of a hive, armed with resources, and accompanied by a diligent swarm of worker bees. The challenge ahead is a multifaceted blend of worker placement, hive building, and strategic prowess.

Embark on an interstellar adventure as you explore planets, gather vital resources, harness advanced technologies, and craft intricate carvings that showcase your faction's strengths, all measured in the currency of victory points. The game unfolds over the span of a year's Flow, and the stakes are high.

But  beware—the Dearth looms on the horizon and limits the actions your tireless workers can take before succumbing to hibernation. The race is on: can you not only survive but thrive in the face of impending challenges?

In Apiary the intricate balance between strategic decisions and resource management will shape the destiny of your faction. Will you emerge as a dominant force, leaving your mark on the Mellifera legacy, or will you merely endure the challenges that the cosmos throws your way?

Not sure if this game is for you? Let’s take a look at three similar games that may help you figure that out:

  1. Honey Buzz - Not only do these games share a similar theme, but the actions of worker placement and tile placement with an overall focus on Economics are very similar.
  2. Dune Imperium - With several different areas to focus your actions as well as multi-use cards, Dune Imperium and Apiary will share some strong similarities.
  3. Race For The Galaxy - Not only do they share the space  theme, but they also share  a race to the finish as well as a balance of where to focus your efforts with limited options. 

As you navigate the complexities of this futuristic realm, every decision resonates, influencing the outcome of your journey. Get ready to command your hive, face the unknown, and carve out a legacy in the stars. The question echoes: Can you thrive in this brave new world, or will you merely survive the challenges of Apiary? The answer lies in your hands.

Games Similar to


Dune Imperium

A game that uses deck-building to add a hidden-information angle to traditional worker placement.

Race for the Galaxy

Worlds await! Colonize, develop and conquer, taking advantage of others' choices.

Honey Buzz

Bees have discovered economics! Make and sell honey to get money and win!
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