
15-20 min.


Mind Up!

Let me introduce you to a tricky game with a small footprint. Mind Up! – a clever card game that's bound to keep you on the edge of your seat, craving for more strategic thrills. This engaging game unfolds in a series of rounds, each filled with tableau-building, and a dash of card-ordering chaos.

The gameplay kicks off with a line of cards on the table, mirroring the number of players. Excitement builds as each player selects a card from their hand and unveils it simultaneously, creating a new line just below the initial one. The challenge? Order these newly revealed cards from lowest to highest value, setting the stage for an intricate dance of strategy and anticipation.

As the cards find their place in the tableau, players cleverly take the card directly above the one they just played, adding it to their growing collection. These cards hold the key to scoring points at the round's conclusion, their colors and order determining the players' fate.

The round reaches its climax when only one card remains in each player's hand, a final addition to their tableau. But fear not, for the game is far from over. The cards you've strategically placed in your tableau become your new hand, setting the stage for the next round of tactical brilliance.

After three exhilarating rounds, and the player with the most points emerges as the triumphant victor. Mind Up is a small gave that packs a massive punch as you strategically do your best to cope with the chaos the other players unwittingly create. 

Not sure if Mind Up is a game you would enjoy? Here are three similar games to help you find out!

Take Five - Mind Up and Take Five share the lack of a theme and the presence of complete Chaos. Making your best bet, but not knowing how things will end up for you is a common theme in these two games. 

Sushi Go - With simultaneous play and a subtle and shifting sense of set collection, you might find Mind Up scratches the same itch.

No Thanks - Collecting cards and trying to predict what your opponents will do in Take 5 will likely resemble a simplified version of Mind Up.

Mind Up! is a game of wit, timing, and strategic finesse. As the rounds progress, the stakes heighten, and the competition intensifies. It's a delicate balance of predicting your opponents' moves, optimizing your tableau, and seizing the right cards at just the right moment.

Games Similar to

Mind Up!

Take 5

A chaotic game of avoiding the bulls in an effort to stay alive the longest!

Sushi Go

A quick card drafting game where you beat your opponents to the best sushi!

No Thanks

Score the least points as you bid to NOT take cards in this tense game of chicken.
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