
50-70 min.


World Wonders

Step into the sandals of the great leaders of antiquity and embark on a journey to build your own ancient city. In World Wonders, players take on the roles of historical figures, each striving to construct the most magnificent city the world has ever seen. With strategic planning and wise spending, you’ll shape your settlement into a thriving metropolis, rich in resources, culture, and monumental grandeur.

In World Wonders, you must  efficiently manage your gold each round in order to find success. Players will spend their wealth to build tiles that boost their city’s economy, with the ultimate goal of fostering growth and prosperity. A flourishing city that produces ample food and generates robust commerce will naturally attract a larger population, transforming from a humble settlement into a bustling urban center.

The game features five types of buildings, each providing essential resources to fuel your city’s evolution. As you strategically place new buildings, you’ll also need to ensure your city is well-connected with roads. These thoroughfares are crucial for the efficient operation and expansion of your city. Alongside functional buildings, monuments play a vital role. These impressive structures not only bring victory points but also require significant investment, consuming your gold for the round when claimed.

Every decision in World Wonders demands careful consideration. Timing and placement are crucial, as running out of gold will prematurely end your turn. Once all players have exhausted their funds, a new round begins with fresh opportunities to build and expand. New buildings and roads become available, offering new avenues for growth and development. The game progresses over ten rounds, or until a player reaches the maximum population limit.

Still not sure if World Wonders is a game that you would enjoy? Let’s look at three similar games to find out:

Seven Wonders - an obvious comparison since both games feature a variety of ancient world wonders and both are a great entry level game that will be suitable for almost any level of gamer.

Akropolis - Both games rely on your ability to correctly position your cities expansion to gain end game points.

My City - Though not a legacy game, the core mechanics of World Wonders are very similar to My City as you aim to fill your board economically and deal with diminishing resources.

The player who has masterfully balanced resource management, strategic placement, and monumental achievements will be crowned the leader of the best city in the ancient world.

Will you rise to the challenge and create a city that stands the test of time? In World Wonders, the legacy of your leadership awaits.

Games Similar to

World Wonders


Build your Greek city on multiple levels to keep your districts perfectly placed.

7 Wonders

Take on the role of an ancient civilization working toward building the most impressive wonder of the world.

My City

Build your city's legacy and prosperity in this multi-chapter campaign.
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